不知道从什么时候开始,人们将Christmas 写成X’mas。你一看Christmas,就明白这是有关耶稣基督的事情。因为Christ就是基督。那么,你看这一个X’mas,到底是指什么呢?它可以告诉你,现代人的圣旦观。
What is the meaning of X'mas Today? Party? Celebrations?
X = Unknown Numbers
M= Money for the celebration, presents, party, food.
A = Amusement - have fun
S = Self - self enjoyment
The Real Meaning of X'mas
X = Xpistos
M= Manifest
A = Agape (God's Love - in Greek Language)
S = Soteria (Salvation)
Xmas means - is the fulfillment of the Salvation Plan.
Hi, wishing you and your family Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
merry christmas!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
I tot X represents Christ? Something the Greeks started. That's why some called it X-mas.
Hi all, Thanks for the wishes.
Cokeworld Citizen: yes, indeed. i've copy a sentence from my pastor sermon;
X = Xpistos ( Xpirtor means Savior of man kind - in Greek Language) which mean X is represents Christ too.